How is Telepathy Done? How to Improve Telepathy?


How is Telepathy Done? How to Improve Telepathy?

Fast and Effective Telepathy Techniques

Quick Telepathy How? Rapid Telepathy Method

As noted in the Recordable Spiritual Awareness, human beings have the ability to repeat all previous experiences at very advanced stages. There are two ways to make fast telepathy,

1- Doing telepathy at least once before.

2- To apply the techniques of telepathy when deep trance is alpha and if possible at theta wavelength.

Alpha and Theta wavelengths, while all external factors will be disabled, you will have the opportunity to use your abilities in a more active way. In this phase, you need to apply the most appropriate technique. But you must remember that if you don’t have an innate tendency, you have to make yourself ready to work mentally, physically and spiritually for a certain period of time. Learn telepathy, do not telepathy to memorize a formula. First of all you have to learn all the techniques related to telepathy.

## The stage you need to reach is the stage where you can make your communication with your feelings and feelings.

For very fast telepathy,

If you have an innate tendency, simply apply the following technique.

Breathe deeply 5 times by closing your eyes in a position where your back will be perpendicular or sitting down.

As soon as you feel relaxed, focus your attention on the center of your forehead. Imagine lights coming out of that area.

Imagine that the rays coming out of your forehead come in through the middle or heart of the forehead of the human or creature you want to communicate with telepathy.

Send the message you want to convey to the other side by imagining that you are doing what you want to do with your emotions or not with words.

The Link Between Tinnitus and Telepathy

Is tinnitus a telepathic communication? Does it have anything to do with telepathy, which causes tinnitus except for physiological reasons? There is also a connection between tinnitus and telepathy that occur outside of the disturbances and pressure changes. In the places we are commemorated, if the human being who commemorates us, sincerely and spiritually, the spiritual frequency burst (intense telepathic signals) that reach this moment reaches us.

However, since there is no message in it, it is only reflected in the form of a ringing ring. Reflection of us in the form of ringing the brain can not hear a hearing or to hear or to detect a signal through the sensory organ we can say that can not say.

Each tinnitus has nothing to do with telepathy.

Is Permanent Thinking Related to Telepathy?

What does it mean to think of someone and not to prevent it? How to make telepathy with constant thinking of someone? How is it possible?

You may be connected to telepathy to think about someone constantly. This can be bidirectional or unidirectional. However, in both cases, it may cause telepathic communication in an involuntary way. This is due to the fact that telepathy is an intensified spiritual communication. To communicate telepathically with someone else, it is necessary to focus on that person intensely. Thinking about another is a natural telepathic communication to think about the causes caused by constant emotional intensity.

Sensation Transfers in Telepathy

However, if this type of telepathic communication is unintentional, then the other party may not feel the message because there is no message or image. Or, for a brief moment, he can remember the person who thinks constantly. In some cases, the mood of people who think constantly can be transferred to people who think about telepathic communication. In this case, the other party may experience an internal shortage or feeling of distress, which they do not know why. We can say that a sense of spiritual sentiment can be experienced.

How to make telepathy with constant thinking of someone else? To stay focused on a person or name, to constantly think about the opposite side will cause a spiritual communication channel between you and that name. We can describe this as a fixed signal exchange between the receiver and the receiver. This situation is experienced in a natural way especially when love is in love. In the case of unnatural methods, this can only be possible with suggestions given in trans. It will not be possible to try to create a density that does not exist in fact, and the ambition and ego effects will eliminate the telepathic effects of this artificial density. If the opposite side isn’t natural, it may cause negative effects after a while.

Telepathy Love Connection

Can someone else fall in love with telepathy? Can telepathy increase the intensity of love and love? This issue has been mentioned in detail with Telepathy. But for those who read the subject, let us briefly talk about it. When thoughts and emotions focus on a point, name and imagination for a certain period of time; a certain consciousness is found in this focus; You will consciously influence the opposite side of your thoughts. We can illustrate this with the sound of the TV you are watching in your home. You’re only impressed by what you hear if you turn on your voice just the way you feel it (thoughts only affect you). If you turn on the sound so that it is heard by your neighbors (the expansion of the Effect) everyone that the sound reaches will be affected.

In our example, “sound” telepathy in the telepathy intensified telepathic thoughts and emotions. Whatever your intention, all the thoughts and emotions that are intensified, affect everything they intensify. Thoughts directed to a friend you see every day with thoughts directed to valentine will not have the same intensity. Sincerity, emotional and emotional depth in emotions will also affect telepathic spiritual communication.

However, it is important to note that telepathy to fall in love with someone else or to do something that does not want to use telepathy is not the right behavior will affect the telepathic communication negatively. Because it is not appropriate to do something about the future of two people, such as love, to try to do something that would otherwise not be done by interfering with the will of another. The consciousness of the person you want to influence may not know your thoughts, but spiritual perceptions are intense enough to sense what you really want.

Does Telepathic Power Damage?

What are the effects of telepathy for psychic attacks?

If telepathy techniques are used to deliberately intensify and harm someone else, this will act as a kind of “evil eye effect”. When telepathic powers are applied in advanced telepathy techniques, they can be treated as psychic attacks. However, these telepathic powers can reflect these effects back to you when they are noticed by the people they focus on. Or people who have a high level of congenital energy, aura of which is strong and conscious, can reflect the telepathic effects you directed. In this case, you may be faced with situations such as energy drop, tension, insomnia and lack of focus.

How do you know you are in telepathic vineyard

What is Telepathic Bonding? It is the connection of spiritual communication between the two living beings either voluntarily or involuntarily.

How can you tell if you’re on a telepathic bond? If you are constantly focusing on a particular topic or name when there is no reason, you may have entered a telepathic or unconscious link. In conscious telepathic connection, someone may be willing to influence you. How is conscious telepathy done? He can channel his thoughts to you by constantly focusing on your name or picture. This can also be done with image. It can be transmitted in messages or visuals with the telepathic connection established in conscious telepathy.

In the unconscious telepathic bond, someone who loves you may inadvertently be thinking of you. If someone who loves you enters the same frequency as you and has built up an involuntary telepathic connection, your attention can be constantly engaged. Unconscious telepathic connections are involuntary and they do not contain messages. Therefore, you may not understand exactly what it is. How is involuntary telepathy done? Platonic loves are the best examples. He is aware that he cannot reach you, but when he intensely fancies emotions, you unwillingly create an imageistic or emotional telepathic connection, as you are focused in his mind.

The person who is probably in love is not aware of this situation. However, you can experience a mess with intense emotions without understanding what is inside the telepathic network. Not every person who falls in love with this situation cannot. If people with high psychic sensitiveness have spiritual abilities related to telepathy, they can unintentionally establish a telepathic connection with people through which they are concentrated. We can call it “telepathic release of intensified emotions.”

Is it easy for someone to think with telepathy?

Entering someone’s opinion with telepathy is not as easy as it seems. As we explained in the subject, influencing someone else’s thinking by entering with telepathy is related to many variables. This can be done if both the receiver and the transmitter can be combined at the appropriate time and in the right emotional connections. Or, when the telepathic transmitter has an unusual effect, it can do so by eliminating the receiver and the resistors in the receiver. On the other hand, people with a high level of spiritual sensitivity may take thoughts and read thoughts, even if they do not want to be donors.

If telepathy is seen as a definitive source of evidence to enter someone’s thinking; It should also be noted that unusual efforts are required to achieve unusual requests. It should be noted that if your birth chart does not have appropriate positions and your spiritual sensitivity is not conducive to telepathy, you should make a more intense effort.

How Do We Know When We Do Telepathy?

How can we tell if we’re doing telepathy? Is there a way to do this? If you are working on telepathy, you can understand whether you are making telepathy by trying your mother, siblings or very close friends. As explained in the subject, each person’s response to telepathic messages will be different. Even if you are not good communication with your mother does not affect him on your close friend will be effective. Every person you try to use telepathy or telepathy techniques may not be in the position of receiving, so no reaction does not mean that you have failed.

The easiest way to understand whether you have telepathy is to conduct an experiment with your friend, in which you are in constant communication, in which you are in constant communication, with your emotional or spiritual connection. At a given hour, you know a word that you know but not known by your friend, or repeat it continuously.

You can also specify a number of words to narrow the scope of the experiment. In order to facilitate the experiment, your friend’s trans will be positively affected by the time period you set. If your friend waits in the receiver position without interfering with anything, the result will be the way you want.

Calling Telepathy Management

You can call a friend or a loved one with the technique described in the subject or have them call you. How is telepathy done to call your friend, to call someone and to call you?

To do this, follow the steps described in the technique to your friend Telepathic Whispers and Telepathic Development and Telepathous Whisper depth and Whisper Effect, taking into account what you want to “whisper” or do you want to do “in your mind” is enough to do.

Telepathy Is Real?

Spiritual talent issues are not real unless you experience them. Topics such as telepathy, clairvoyance, astral travel, preconception or telekinesis are not subjects that can be accessed with an address on paper. What are the scientific examples of telepathy? See the second chapter


How is Telepathy Done? How to Improve Telepathy?

Telepathy Category

Original Article:

February 6, 2017

How to build telepathy?



For more information on telepathy, please visit

  1. MoonDragn says:

    To connect with someone’s mind, you need a reference point. It has to be a piece of connection with the person, even a stranger that can locate and identify a person. Sometimes just a name is enough, if the person identifies strongly with that name. However the amount of information you can see varies from person to person.

    Also the context of the information is not often clear. You can see a red pickup truck for example, but you have no idea how it relates to the subject. People often can confuse images from other people’s minds with their own imagination. It takes some practice to separate the two.

    As for emotional state etc. The subject has to be willing most of the time. Trying to read someone who is closed is very difficult, especially someone who is skeptical. However connecting with someone emotionally is actually empathy, and while related to telepathy, is not the same thing. You can stay emotionally detached and still read a person’s mind.

    1. Yonetici says:

      Thanks for your valuable comment.

      But I disagree with your comment on the emotional connection. Epmati is to put ourselves in someone else’s place. Choosing someone with whom we have an emotional connection to communicate with telepathy results in more effective results.

      – a telepathic connection is made easier with a person we love and fall in love with.
      – telepathic connections are also easier with people who have family emotional connections.

      Because emotions are like references in spiritual connection. People with whom we will communicate with telepathy can easily accept their connections to people with emotional intimacy. People who are not close to us are rejected in the first place.

      Those who wonder about the difference can test.

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