Lower Branches of Parapsychology and Areas of Interest

Lower Branches of Parapsychology

What is Psychometry and Teleportation?

Lower Branches of Parapsychology

What is Psychometry: We permeate everything we touch with our spiritual structure and leave traces. These marks are like fingerprints that are left by all living things, reflecting emotion and moment. If an object we touched before has touched another living thing, people with psychometry can feel and learn about that moment and life.

What is teleportation: What is a living thing or object is that it loses its material form and re-materializes in another environment. This subject is examined within the subject of Materialization Dematerialization.

Paranormal Healing What is it: The use of spiritual energies in the treatment of ailments that start from aura and relapse to the body and organs. There is no need for patients to be present in the healing process. It is also known as spiritual healing.

Paranormal Diagnosis and Otoscopy: What is Paranormal Diagnosis is the presence of discomforts through the clairvoyant. People with this ability can see what kind of disturbances they have when they look. The otoscopy agent is the direct or different forms of the aura surrounding the body beyond the body. Otoscopy is also referred to as specific.

What is the Traveling Clairvoyance: It is possible to see the distances that cannot be perceived by sensory organs with the help of coordinates.

Chakra and Auras: Short chakra, energy channels in our body; Aura is the energy field that surrounds all living things. It is examined how these energy fields affect human life.

What is Psychotronic Science?

Parapsychology Sub-branches and interests

What is Psychotronic Science: It is the word that the Czechoslovakian scientist Zdenek Rejdak started to use against the term “parapsychology” by arguing that paranormal phenomena should be examined in laboratory environments. He argues that mysterious events must be subjected to tests and explained with scientific findings.

Conscious Body Controls: Control and change of physical functions remains the subject of events. Control of pulse pulses, change the temperature in the body, muscles to move, to go into the catalytic state, etc. how events can be done.

What is different states of consciousness: An examination of the differences of consciousness during sleep and awakening. Conscious lucid dreams or awakening situations with sleep and so on.

What is spontaneous psychokinesis: Telekinetic events occurring outside the will are examined. Broken electronic devices, broken objects, moving objects … In these actions, the energy of the person is involuntary. Research is conducted on how this energy can cause these events.

What is Psychic Archeology?

Parapsychology Sub-branches and interests

What is Thought Photography: Transferring the thoughts of people to photo frames. The image of the subjects is transformed into images with the techniques used. The first successful works in this area belong to Ted Serios. David Kennedy, this work has taken the advanced stages of film frames and digital cameras have managed to transfer. He terminated his work with a large number of subjects in an instant for a reason that could not be understood and destroyed all the data he obtained.

What is Suggested Science: Examines how suggestions produced by different techniques affect people when given as open or subliminal messages.

What is Psychic Archeology: It is the archeology studies performed by psychic abilities with clairvoyance and hunch ability.

What is the Knowing of the Past?

Apart from these, there are different fields such as psychic perception in plants that are mentioned with different names and subject areas of subject of death, death and death related to the events, subject areas of different moods, areas with different perceptions about conscious dream and dream.


Parapsychology Education

Original Articlehttps://www.parapsikoloji.net/parapsikolojinin-alt-dallari-ve-ilgi-alanlari/

January 5, 2017

Lower Branches of Parapsychology and Areas of Interest

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