Traces on Muhyiddin-i Arabi and Mars
Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi and the Writings on Mars
On Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi and the Writings on Mars
Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi was born in 1165 AD in Andalusia, which is present-day Spain, and passed away in 1245 (1239) in Damascus. He was known by the title “Shaykh al-Akbar,” meaning “The Greatest Shaykh.” He was a great Sufi saint with knowledge of spiritual secrets, capable of tayy-i mekan¹, and left behind many works, some of which have been translated into Western languages. He is considered one of the great masters of Sufism.
The main topic of our article is an interesting detail that emerged as images of the planet Mars became accessible. In his works, Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi mentions his experiences with tayy-i mekan (spiritual travel), and in these mentions, he speaks of a journey he made to the planet Mars, where he left some traces that people would later discover. What is intriguing is not the presence of writings on Mars, but the fact that these traces were mentioned hundreds of years ago, long before it could be scientifically proven.
The “Salam” Writing on Mars
As can be seen in the images we will include, the markings resemble the Arabic word “Salam” (peace) closely. We leave it to scientists to determine the probability of such a shape forming naturally on a planet. Our task is to point out the similarities, so let’s write “Salam” in Arabic using Word, and we’ll leave the comparison to you. I am not an expert in the language, so please feel free to correct me if I make any mistakes. In writing “Salam,” the letters sin, lam, and mim are used. When we write these letters using Word, the following image appears. Sometimes in calligraphy, “As-Salam” is written with mim separated, but when written in a standard script, all the letters are joined. This may vary depending on the meaning intended to be conveyed.
Now, let’s take a look at the writing found on Mars.
Futuhat al-Makkiyya and Impressions of Tayy-i Makan
In his work Futuhat al-Makkiyya, Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi shared the knowledge he gained from his spiritual travels. Since I do not have the book in my possession, I would like to compile and share quotes from the internet. When I get the relevant section of the book, I plan to update this topic again, because the quotes found online seem to be the words of someone else, or it appears that Ibn Arabi was quoting someone else. Since the internet sources are mostly copies of one another, I intend to revisit the matter when I get the actual text.
—With the permission of Allah (SWT), he is one of the poles (spiritual leaders) who traveled to the places allowed within the universe through tayy-i makan. In the places he visited, he left traces such as the word “Salam” on Mars for the people of the future. In fact, he referred to all the places he visited as the “Land of Truth.” He mentioned these journeys in Futuhat al-Makkiyya, Volume 1, Chapter 8.
“I entered a place made of pure white camphor, and inside were various spaces. One was hotter than fire. A person could enter it, and the fire would not burn them. Some spaces there were warm, and others were cold…”
The Discovery of the Writing on Mars through Google Earth and Its Coordinates
If you do not have Google Earth installed on your computer, you can download it by clicking the Google Earth Program link. After installing the program, you can watch the steps you need to follow in the video below. Since I had previously saved the coordinates in the program, I had left a bookmark in my own program. The writing is located in the Southern Hemisphere of the planet Mars.
For those who want to enter the coordinates directly, here are the coordinates of the shape on Mars that is claimed to be a writing:
Latitude: 85°47’35.99″S
Longitude: 3°24’10.28″W
Published and Translated Works of Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi
– Fusus al-Hikam, translated by Ekrem Demirli, Kabalcı Publishing
– Futuhat al-Makkiyya, translated by Ekrem Demirli, Volumes I-XVIII, Litera Publishing
– Fusus al-Hikam Translation and Commentary I, Ahmed Avni Konuk, Prepared by: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selçuk Eraydın, 4 volumes, Marmara University Faculty of Theology Foundation
– Interpreter of Desires, İz Publishing
– Treatise on Annihilation (Fena), İz Publishing
– Treatise on Annihilation – Interpreter of Desires, İz Publishing
– The Book of Knowledge, İz Publishing
– Knowledge and Wisdom, İz Publishing
– The Treasury of Lights, İz Publishing
– The Treasury of Hours, Sümer Publishing
– Divine Arrangements – Translation and Commentary, İz Publishing
– Treatise on Unity (Ahadiyyet), İlk Harf Publishing, 2012
– The Secrets and Meanings of the Names of God, Gelenek Publishing, 2010
– A Portrait of a Sufi / From the Pen of Shaykh al-Akbar: Zunnun al-Misri, Gelenek Publishing
– The names of the works are sourced from Wikipedia.
Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi and the Writings on Mars – Update February 7, 2018
I reviewed the work. As mentioned in the articles titled Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi and the Writings on Mars, there are examples of tayy-i makan. Ibn Arabi relays events based on accounts shared with him by others. However, in the mentioned section, there is no reference to the word “Merih” (Mars) or any information about writings. The word “Merih” appears in sections dealing with astrology. (I conducted my review using the translation by Ekrem Demirli.) It is possible that it appears in a different translation. If I find any further information on this topic, I will make an addition.
Note: The names of the works are sourced from Wikipedia.
Traces on Muhyiddin-i Arabi and Mars
Original Article:
February 20, 2017
¹ Tayy-i Makan: Changing one’s location either spiritually, mentally, or physically.