Parapsychology Education at Edinburgh University

Parapsychology Education at Edinburgh University

Parapsychology Education at Edinburgh University

I sent a letter to the universities that were alleged to give parapsychology training to learn about the parapsychology education in institutions after the letter “Schools conducting parapsychology education” which we published on 25 December 2016. I have not received any messages from all the schools yet, but I add the necessary updates at Schools Offering Training on Parapsychology link.

So far the most comprehensive answer has come from the University of Edinburgh. I wanted to publish a topic under a separate title with the reason that it is comprehensive and answering questions individually. Those who are curious about parapsychology education in our country may find answers if they are very confident that they do not come from a direct source.

I present my thanks to our beloved Sophie Conway, who directs Konuyu to the concerned person, Clare and the Parapsychologist Professor Caroline Watt, the President of the Koestler Parapsychology, who did not leave our questions unanswered.

Parapsychology Education at Edinburgh University

With a text I ask:

  • Does your school have educational activities in the field of parapsychology, and if so, in which areas are you being trained?
  • How long is the training period?
  • How much is the tuition fee? Is there a scholarship?
  • What are the possibilities offered to the students?
  • Are there any practical studies related to parapsychology?
  • What kind of document does a graduate student have?
  • In which areas do graduates find employment?


* Does your school have educational activities in the field of parapsychology, and if so, in which areas are you being trained?
Undergraduate psychology students can do a specialist course in their final year on parapsychology. This covers the psychology of paranormal beliefs and experiences, theories in parapsychology, and the methods and findings of ESP, PK and DMILS research. At present the course is 10 credits (one year of study is 120 credits).

The Koestler Parapsychology Unit also teaches an online parapsychology course. Details here:

Students can also take MSc or PhD in psychology, specialising in parapsychology. Details here:

How long is the training period?

For MSc students (Psychology MSc but can involve a parapsychological research thesis) the usual duration is 1 year.
For PhD students (Psychology PhD, usually following MSc, in an area of overlap between psychology and parapsychology), usual duration is 3 years.

For the online course, 12 weeks.

* How much is the tuition fee? Is there a scholarship?
Fees vary depending on the student’s location – please refer to university website. There are few competitive scholarships available. Again, please refer to webpages.

For the online course, £250, or 50% discount for student members of the Parapsychological Association.

Parapsychology Education at Edinburgh University

* What are the possibilities offered to the students?
The PhD is a research degree, so the content of the PhD is negotiated between the student and the supervisor. The two possible parapsychology supervisors at Edinburgh University are Dr Peter Lamont and Prof Caroline Watt. Visit the university website to find out more about their research interests.

* Are there any practical studies related to parapsychology?
Final year psychology students can do their research dissertation (40 credits) on a parapsychological topic.
MSc degree includes also a research project that can be parapsychological.
The full PhD involves conducting several parapsychological research topics.
The online course does not involve practical studies.

* What kind of document does a graduate student have?

Usually MA (hons) in Psychology (first degree).
MSc in Psychology (second degree)
PhD in Psychology (third degree)
Completion certificate for the online course (see ); this is a non-accredited course.

* In which areas do graduates find employment?
Psychology, methods, statistics. Note that there is very little employment in parapsychology. Most researchers who want to pursue parapsychology must first develop an overlapping mainstream academic area of expertise and obtain a research career in that subject.

For further information, visit:


Parapsychology Education

Original Article

Parapsychology Education at Edinburgh University

January 6, 2017

  1. blank kundushima says:

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    1. blank Yonetici says: Please link. In the opened page Contact Caroline Watt. Click on the name of Prof Caroline Watt and the email address will open.

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