Categories: imagination

Astral Travel and Imagination Studies

Astral Travel and Imagination Studies

One of the paranormal studies using the image is Astral Travel. A person who has not gone beyond the matter, who has become accustomed to perceiving everything by sense organs, can use imagination as a kind of bridge in order to extend beyond the matter. For a place that you know, see and experience before, you may no longer need to animate in your mind, but for the first time you are going to make your minds for a place you’re going to go. This is true of our normal life.

Why work for Astral Travel?

If you’ve never been before, about a place you’ll see for the first time, you’ll start to imagine how to get there, what you’ll encounter when you go. This is kind of a spiritual preparation. It is also an attempt to establish a spiritual connection, although you are not aware of it. As I mentioned in the introduction, the same applies to studies extending beyond the article. Anyone who has never previously perceived the substance beyond the imagination consciously tries to establish a conscious or unconscious bond, just as in real life.

This bond is about how to start from the first exit, what is going to happen and then. Every image that occurs in the mind establishes a spiritual bond between you and the place you are concerned. Astral travel and the imagination work will also create a neurotic link for us in establishing trans-bound bonds.

Imagination, Astral Projection and Astral Travel Connection

Astral travels have often heard the concept of al Astral Projection kavram misunderstood. These studies are an important part of astral travel and image studies. It is a very challenging study for those who started their studies for the first time. It is the first time that a person sees himself / herself in a different place from where he / she is, and this is the first time he encounters and the brain strongly opposes it.

In order to ensure that this study is unrealistic, in order not to deteriorate the perception of reality, you actually resist to show that you are not in the place where you project yourself, and you find yourself in your body again. It is a point of resistance that should be broken but it is a pleasant work. The aim of this study is to create a bond with different dimensions outside the body by animating ourselves in different places outside the body. Projection is one of the important methods that lead to the goal with image and conscious dream.

Astral Travel and Image Studies – Preliminary Studies

As with all other studies, you have to make yourself ready for the spiritual and the physical. If you regularly do meditation, breathing exercises and so on. If you do not have studies such as what you should do in this preparatory phase How to Provide Spiritual Depth? and other information about Astral Travel to provide the necessary information can be found in section. I’m not referring to other details, since our subject is the image methods to be used in astral travel.

The imagination and astral travel work you do before you are physically and spiritually ready may not be at a satisfactory level as there is not enough depth and spiritual connection. If you have been working for a long time and you are now at a certain stage, you will be ready to lie on your back or close your eyes together. Even if you are constantly working in the same place, it will be enough to make you ready.

Astral Travel and Image Studies – Practice and Technical

Lie on your back so that your back is upright. If you fall asleep easy or sleep before you finish your work in the work done before, cross-legged and sit down and close your eyes. I assume that you prepared yourself before this stage, both mentally and physically. As soon as you close your eyes, you will quickly start moving to the alpha level. It will be easier to visualize after this phase.

Do not perceive anything that is written about the application to be precise and clear. You can use your imagination as much as you wish. Most of the fixed techniques and applications do not fail to fault, everyone is a separate world and everyone has its own connection channels.

Consider starting with your toes and getting your body transparent. (Transparency will gradually move upwards from the fingers. You can take a sample of the progression of water in the soil to enter the detail.)

Feel that each point of transparency reaches at the same time, slightly tingling. (Adding feelings to the work will always increase the effect. You may not get the effect you want in the first studies, but you will have to think and ask as you progress. You can develop yourself by performing a separate study to get auto hypnosis work or just this effect.)

Make your whole body transparent and feel tingling on your whole body.

At this stage, we use the sensation of tingling as a trigger for vibration.

Feel the feeling of tingling in your mind, creating a horizontal or vertical vibration in your whole body. (You can animate the trigger part the way you want it. You can animate a drop of water on your body as you do in the slow motion scenes from above and bring about a ripple. .)

You can visualize the vibration of your whole body as you wish. The important thing is to feel this intensely. Try to experience the state of vibration sufficiently intensely. (Inspired by film frames, you can imagine that the transparent image of your body vibrates as if the bed or vertical image clarity disappears.)

Stop a Short Time

At this point, stop the vibration. Hear and feel that your atmosphere has changed in an instant, someone is hitting a room with a big stick, a ringing sound echoing everywhere. (You can shake the scene as you like. The dusts can be scattered, the room you are in can be shaken, the color of the environment may be blue or brown in pastel tones. Instead of the tinnling sound, a drop dripping from the tap may disrupt it.

View the table you are looking at yourself at the other end of the room without wasting too much time with the table you draw. (If you spend a lot of time with a scene at this stage, your brain will resist and you will have an unnecessary fight. Look for a moment, look at yourself and get to the next scene immediately. Take initiative in your hands)

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Bukra Tarık Dora

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