
Psychic abilities in natal chart

Psychic abilities in natal chart Which Points Show Psychic Abilities in the Birth Chart? Which position in the natal chart…

1 year ago

Peganum Harmala Seed, Usage, DMT Effect, Benefits and Harms

Peganum Harmala Seed, Usage, DMT Effect, Benefits and Harms Peganum Harmala Seed, Usage, Peganum Harmala DMT Effect and Diet. Peganum…

4 years ago

How can I do Telephaty? Chapter 2

How can I do telephaty? Chapter 2 Step 4- Stretch your muscles and do sports This step is designed to…

6 years ago

What is DMT? DMT Molecule and Spiritual Size

What is DMT? DMT Molecule and Spiritual Size The bridge between the Spirit and Matter is the molecule called Dimethyltriptamine,…

7 years ago

How is Spiritual Depth Provided? Alpha Teta Stage

How is Spiritual Depth Provided? Alpha Teta Stage Those familiar with the studies of parapsychology have often heard the expression…

7 years ago